Monday, 25 March 2019


Genre: género.               
Folk music: música folclórica.
World music: músicas del mundo.       
Popular music: música popular.
Vinyl record: disco de vinilo.
Sacred music: música sacra.
Dance music: música de danza.
Soundtrack: banda sonora.
Choreography: coreografía.
Ballet: ballet.
Stage: escenario.
Improvisation: improvisación.
Flamenco: flamenco.
Synthesizer: sintetizador.
Middle Ages: Edad Media.
Renaissance: Renacimiento.
Baroque: Barroco.
Classicism: Clasicismo.
Romanticism: Romanticismo.
Twentieth Century Music: Música del Siglo XX.
Triplet: tresillo.
Anacrusis note: nota anacrúsica.
Fret: traste.
Gregorian chant: canto gregoriano.
Opera: ópera.
Program music: música programática.
Gothic Rock: Rock Gótico.
New Wave: "nueva ola".
Symphony: sinfonía.
Mass: misa.
Dissonance: disonancia.
Theme: tema musical (principal).
Stress: acento.
Reed: lengüeta.
Polyphony: polifonía.


What can I do now that I could not do before?
I can make sentences in the simple future.

What do I like the most?
When we do dialogs in class.

What do I do well?
The grammar.

What am I confused about?
About the translation.

With what do I need help?
In the translation.

What do I do in English outside of class?
I'm going to class.

What do I need to improve?
My homeworks

What did I learn about culture?
Gods and parties from other places.

Monday, 18 March 2019

Saturday, 16 March 2019


Chest : pecho
Toe : dedo del pie 
Wrist : muñeca
A caught : catarro 
Flu : gripe
Save: ahorrar 
Pocket money : paga 
Pleased : satisfecho 

Tuesday, 12 March 2019


1) What period does the Middle Ages cover?
The average age is 1000 years. From the fall of the Roman Empire (476) to the discovery of America (1492)

2) What general characteristics does it have (according to the teacher’s comments)?
It has more types of music

3) What is the main difference between “troubadours” and “minstrels”?
The troubadours were medieval musicians and poets, who compose their works and interpret them, and those interpreted by minstrels or minstrels, in the stately courts of European rights, all the South of France, between the 12th and 14th centuries.

4) Pay attention to these two monuments (a Romanic church and a Gothic cathedral). What do their different heights have in common with the music evolution of those centuries?

The Romanesque church contains small arches are small.
The church has very large arches, many and high and many very large.

Resultado de imagen de romanic church    Resultado de imagen de gothic cathedral
5) What do you feel looking at these pictures (taken from the 19th century but directly linked to the Middle Ages)? In your own opinion, what kind of music could accompany these images?

In my opinion I think they are people of average age in which they are in a palace and they can hold a celebration and an oath with a melody in the background
Resultado de imagen de prerrafaelismo   Resultado de imagen de prerrafaelismo   Imagen relacionada
6) Why does Heavy Metal music love this aesthetic? 
Because the volume is always very loud, the expressiveness is marked, the music is not clear ...
Resultado de imagen de blind guardian Resultado de imagen de haggard cover Resultado de imagen de saxon cover

Thursday, 7 March 2019